Easy-to-use integrated tools that enable ProLaw users to manage business-critical document processes and workflows more efficiently.
ProLaw Integration with DocsCorp suite
ProLaw is a fully integrated solution that combines case and matter management as well as time, billing, and accounting capabilities. It provides comprehensive integration with Microsoft Outlook, Word, Westlaw research, and court rules.
DocsCorp productivity tools provide ProLaw users with a number of distinct solutions:
Bulk processing services
contentCrawler intelligently assesses image-based documents in ProLaw for batch conversion to text-searchable PDFs and saving.
Document comparison
compareDocs analyzes the difference between two documents with incredible accuracy and reliability across all document types.
PDF creation and editing
pdfDocs delivers higher levels of efficiency and productivity when assembling, editing and distributing business-critical documents in PDF or PDF/A.
Technical Information for DocsCorp Products
Product datasheets provide detailed information on features and functionality, document management integration and system requirements (processor, memory, hard disk space). They also provide information on operating systems (Windows, Office 365, Citrix) and software (Microsoft Office) 32 and 64-bit support.
The software is available in Standard, Professional, Enterprise and Cloud versions. It also integrates with over 30 case, document and practice management systems.
cleanDocs, compareDocs, contentCrawler, pdfDocs and compareDocs cloud are 100% compatible with Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10.